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Dreamers! I know I cater to all different groups in my emails and blogs. The early bird, night owl, and afternoon thrivers. I am up pitching clients, assigning tasks,and sending proposals. I have a goal to hire ten people this week for my job and I have to speak to 550 kids in the morning. As I am sitting here thinking about my to-do list I couldn't help but get excited. In the last month I probably have emotionally endured so much and I was growing weary from unpaid invoices, people's attitudes were sucking, and it was like everyone in my inbox had lost their minds. I was angry, upset , sad , and then I got happy. In the midst of the chaos God still kept me, he increased me. I am not even tired anymore, but I have this mentality that if I give my dreams my all and trust God that doors will open, my millions will manifest, and I will be a NY Times best seller. I am just in love with God created me to be. This journey to get here wasn't easy but my God it is worth it. So if you read this and maybe you aren't up but when you read this I want to you to "EXHALE" and just think about where God has brought you from. It's okay if you are having a tough time, you can't sleep, people acting crazy, YOU ARE ALIVE. If you are able, live your dreams in the workplace

,at home, in the community, or whatever. Find purpose, activate your purpose, most importantly have joy for where God has brought you from.

Here are three things that can get you through tough times:

1. If God woke me up, I have purpose to fulfill.

2.Change begins with me.

3.Whatever I think I can do, I can.

I am standing in agreement with you, that there is no more lack of faith , resources, or finances in your life !!!

Dream Even Bigger,


My ATL book signing was AMAZING.

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